Vanilla Horchata

Decadent and Rich

Inspired by the traditional Mexican beverage made from rice, nuts, and spices, Tom’s Horchata is the creamy, dreamy drink perfect for cooling off on a hot day. When you add vanilla to the mix, it’s a match made in heaven.

Nutrition Information

1 Servings Per Container  |  Serving Size 16 Ounces

Calories 216
Fat 5g
Sat. Fat 3g
Cholesterol 18mg
Sodium 79mg
Carbs 41g
Fiber 0g
Total Sugar 38g
Added Sugar 31g
Protein 5g
Vitamin D 2mcg
Calcium 167mg
Iron 0mg
Potassium 264mg
Caffiene 205mg

Disclaimer: All data presented in this document is based upon standard product mixes and does not factor in customizations and other variables, such as (but not limited to) different types, brands, manufacture time or quantity mixed. Due to various sourcing of products, the ingredient statements do not include consumables such as (but not limited to) whipped cream, drizzles, or milk information. While we make every effort to ensure current and accurate data, it is ultimately the sole responsibility of the consumer to confirm the accuracy of their choices.